Access the power of online marketing to grow your business

Digital  Strategy - My CEO

Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Facebook Stories, Instagram, Instagram Stories and Reels, Youtube, Reddit, Quora, Medium, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, and much more, not to mention email marketing, white papers, blogging, paid advertising… and the list goes on.

These are just a sampling of the many ways to digitally market your business. Is your head spinning?

Digital marketing can feel daunting and overwhelming when you don’t have a marketing department, let alone a dedicated digital team.

And when you’re all you’ve got, how can you possibly be expected to keep up?

Digital Marketing - My CEO

Knowing which channels are right for your business, then finding the time to map out your strategy and create all the content can feel like looking at the second page of Google’s search results — useless.

Because of all this, a lot of business owners drop the ball on digital marketing…

After all, a small team can’t be expected to be masters in everything.

Learning how to market your business online effectively takes time, requires a number of different skills (like content creation and design) and a lot of follow through — talk about eating up precious hours of your day!


But, digital marketing is a necessary part of the puzzle to run a successful business.

When 90% of consumers search online before ever reaching out to a company… whether digital or product based, you need to be there!

Being visible online is about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. And today, that means you need to meet them where they are — Facebook, Instagram, email… you get the point!

You might have questions like…

What’s the best channel to meet and connect with your audience?

How do you measure the ROI on your efforts?

Should you focus on organic digital marketing and when’s the best time to use paid advertising?

How often should you email your customers or clients, and how do you even get their email addresses to begin with?

These are all great questions. But the answers aren’t so simple.

If you want to be successful at digital marketing, you need to take a holistic approach. Look at the whole picture: Where are your customers spending time online?

If you don’t know, we can help you find out. If you do know where your customers are hanging out, we can help you incorporate the channels.

We work with you to develop a solid digital plan complete with real-world strategies, tactics and recommendations.

Digital Marketing - My CEO

Our job isn’t over then, either. We stick around for as long as you need to help you and your team implement the plan.

Here’s what we do:

Help you define where your customers are hanging out so you can focus on the best places to meet them online.

Improve the words on your website and elsewhere so you’re speaking to your audience in their language.

Map out a strategy so you know exactly what content to create and when you’ll release it.

Teach you to understand the data so you know when to pivot and when to play the long game.

Assist you with set up of your email software and plan out your email campaigns or newsletter.

What we don’t do:

Create the content

Write the emails

Design the newsletters

Post on social media

We aren’t the “doers,” if you will.
What we do is help you build a strong business foundation with really fantastic systems and processes that help set you up for success.
Learn Digital Marketing & Branding


Learn how to leverage digital marketing to build your digital brand and grow your business. Digital Marketing is more than Social Media!

Google Analytics
SEO Audit
Growth Execution

Build Digital Marketing & Branding


Create your Digital Marketing and Measurement Model to clearly state the objectives and desired outcomes of your Digital Marketing Strategy.

Content Calendar
Sales Funnel

Grow your business with seo


Implement and test your plan. Improve your SEO. Put your new-found skills and knowledge to work and watch your business grow.

Measure Results
Adjust Plan
Manage your Growth

Digital Marketing My CEO

Are you ready to harness the power of digital marketing to grow your business? Great!